Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

What changes will nanoelectronics bring?

We are surrounded by nanoelectronics through products such as computers, mobile phones, sensors and electric cars. Nanoelectronics may also grow much stronger in the energy efficiency area in the near future. However, the sustainable growth faces several challenges.

Nov 19th, 2010

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New computer chip technology could fill production gap

Researchers at ORNL are developing a method of packing more circuitry into a smaller space on these silicon wafers. Referred to as 100-nanometer lithography, the term reflects the feature resolution required to pack extremely tiny circuits directly onto the microchip wafers. Recent improvements in optical lithography, however, have pushed the requirements for next-generation lithography closer to 70- or 50-nanometer feature size.

Nov 18th, 2010

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Doctoral thesis discusses graphene's potential

As researchers across the globe peel away layer after layer of potential application, Milan Begliarbekov, a doctoral candidate at Stevens Institute of Technology, has found some unique applications for graphene.

Nov 18th, 2010

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Einatomige Kohlenstoffschichten erlauben gleitende Bewegungen um millionstel Millimeter

Im Verbundprojekt TIGeR untersuchen Spezialisten des INM - Leibniz-Institut fuer Neue Materialien, der Uni des Saarlandes, des Fraunhofer-Instituts fuer Werkstoffmechanik sowie des Karlsruher Instituts fuer Technologie, wie einatomige Schichten aus Kohlenstoff das Reibverhalten von Materialien vermindern oder beeinflussen und so kuenftig noch genauere Bewegungen im Nanometer-Bereich ermoeglichen.

Nov 18th, 2010

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Attacking brain cancer cells with nanocarriers

Scientists in Germany have developed a way of smuggling an anti-cancer drug past the protective blood-brain barrier and into brain tumours and metastases using a nanocarrier - a tiny capsule specially designed to pass through cell membranes and deliver its anti-cancer drug to the cancer cell.

Nov 18th, 2010

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Nanoparticles for soil remediation investigation

Tecnalia, through its Construction Unit, aims to increase the efficiency, reduce execution times and cut operational costs associated with remedial solutions for contaminated sites and for building development itself.

Nov 17th, 2010

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Researchers create iridescent glass that can reflect UV or infrared light

Using nanocrystals of cellulose, the main component of pulp and paper, chemistry researchers at the University of British Columbia have created glass films that have applications for energy conservation in building design because of their ability to reflect specific wavelengths of light, such as ultra violet, visible or infrared.

Nov 17th, 2010

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