Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

A simple way to make carbon nanotubes shine brighter

The Rice lab of researcher Bruce Weisman, a pioneer in nanotube spectroscopy, found that adding tiny amounts of ozone to batches of single-walled carbon nanotubes and exposing them to light decorates all the nanotubes with oxygen atoms and systematically changes their near-infrared fluorescence.

Dec 2nd, 2010

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The future of metabolic engineering - designer molecules, cells and microorganisms

Will we one day design and create molecules, cells and microorganisms that produce specific chemical products from simple, readily-available, inexpensive starting materials? Will the synthetic organic chemistry now used to produce pharmaceutical drugs, plastics and a host of other products eventually be surpassed by metabolic engineering as the mainstay of our chemical industries? Yes, according to Jay Keasling, chemical engineer and one of the world's foremost practitioners of metabolic engineering.

Dec 2nd, 2010

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Anwendungsverfahren optimiert gesprayte Nanoschichten

Wissenschaftler des Charles Sadron Instituts des CNRS haben ein Verfahren entwickelt, mit dem das Aufspruehen von Nanoschichten optimiert wird. Diese Sprays werden dazu verwendet, Oberflaechen mit Schichten zu versehen, die ihnen bestimmte optische, elektrische oder biologische Eigenschaften verleihen sollen.

Dec 2nd, 2010

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Dutch royal honors for Manchester graphene researchers

They are now Knight Commanders in the Order of the Netherlands Lion - the country's most prestigious award. The academics, who won the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics for their discovery of graphene, were handed the royal honour at a ceremony in Nijmegen in the Netherlands.

Dec 2nd, 2010

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Georgia Tech's Walt de Heer awarded Materials Research Society Medal

The Materials Research Society awarded Walter A. de Heer, professor of physics at the Georgia Institute of Technology, the MRS Medal at its annual fall meeting in Boston today. De Heer was cited by the society for his 'pioneering contributions to the science and technology of epitaxial graphene'.

Dec 2nd, 2010

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Direct writing of sub-5 nm metallic nanostructures

A group of Beckman Institute researchers have discovered a practical method for direct writing of metal lines less than five nanometers (5 nm) wide, a big step in creating contacts to and interconnects between nanoscale device structures like carbon nanotubes and graphene that have potential uses in electronics applications.

Dec 2nd, 2010

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New Swiss online knowledge platform for nanotechnology

Swiss Nano-Cube is a new interactive knowledge and education platform for micro and nanotechnology. It aims to spark interest in nanotechnology and engineering among students and young professionals. It is addressed to teachers and students of vocational schools, secondary schools as well as higher professional schools.

Dec 2nd, 2010

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Competence Consortium Electrochemistry start German lecture series

An ambitious teaching project of nine German universities and research institutions started in the southern area of the national 'Competence Consortium Electrochemistry'. Every two years, the institutions involved will organize lectures and seminars that will be transmitted live by video to the other locations.

Dec 2nd, 2010

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Nanoparticle-based, fast blood poisoning test can save lives

Blood poisoning can be fatal. If you suffer from sepsis, you used to have to wait as much as 48 hours for laboratory findings. A new diagnostic platform as big as a credit card will now supply the analysis after as little as an hour. This system is based on nanoparticles that are automatically guided by magnetic forces.

Dec 2nd, 2010

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