Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Using graphene to decode DNA

Graphene is generating huge excitement as a possible DNA sequencing material following the work of three independent research groups earlier this year.

Dec 1st, 2010

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New EU project CORONET: Novel interfaces between brain and computer

Interfaces between the brain and electrical circuits in technical devices or computers open new perspectives for basic research and medical application, e.g., for therapeutic brain stimulation and neuroprosthetics. The new EU project CORONET will develop the technological and theoretical foundations for such future 'bio-hybrid' interfaces between biological and artificial nervous tissues.

Dec 1st, 2010

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Three-dimensional chemistry at grinding powder

During the normal grinding of powders in a mortar, the powders can enter into chemical reactions with each other. This phenomenon has been known for years but only now it has become possible to transform in this way three-dimensional clusters of certain chemical compounds into other, also three-dimensional, clusters.

Dec 1st, 2010

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Project pioneers use of silicon-germanium for space electronics applications

A five-year project led by the Georgia Institute of Technology has developed a novel approach to space electronics that could change how space vehicles and instruments are designed. The new capabilities are based on silicon-germanium technology, which can produce electronics that are highly resistant to both wide temperature variations and space radiation.

Nov 30th, 2010

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Up to 20 million euros for German catalysis research

Sued-Chemie AG and Technische Universitaet Muenchen have formed a strategic alliance for catalysis research, 'Munich Catalysis'. In addition to basic research in the field of catalysis, a major aspect of this cooperation will be the development of innovative catalysts as a key technology to help meet the rising global demand for energy and base chemicals on a long-term basis.

Nov 30th, 2010

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World's fastest camera takes a new look at biosensing

European consortium comprising National Physical Laboratory (NPL), ST Microelectronics, the University of Edinburgh, and TU Delft has been involved in the development and application of the Megaframe Imager - an ultrafast camera capable of recording images at the incredible rate of one million frames.

Nov 30th, 2010

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Measuring the temperature of nanoparticles

Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have developed a new technique for probing the temperature rise in the vicinity of RF-actuated nanoparticles using fluorescent quantum dots as temperature sensors.

Nov 30th, 2010

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