Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Honey, I shrunk the synchrotron

If you say 'synchrotron' to most scientists, they will picture an immense, highly expensive and rather rare facility designed to produce highly intense beams of light, such as the UK's Diamond Light Source that boasts a 500 metre circumference and cost GBP 263 million (EUR 297 million) to build. However, that could soon change, as EU-funded scientists have created a table-top device capable of producing synchrotron X-rays that are as intense as those produced by some of the world's largest X-ray facilities.

Oct 26th, 2010

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Assembly of uniformly pure protein microparticles using calcium carbonate templates

Proteins are an interesting class of drugs because they demonstrate high biological activity and are highly specific in their effects. It has become possible to produce more and more proteins with tailored pharmacological properties; however transport and controlled release of the protein drugs in the body have remained a challenge. Researchers have now introduced an alternative to the usual transport agents, such as liposomes: by using a simple, inexpensive, gentle process, they were able to produce pure protein microspheres of uniform size.

Oct 26th, 2010

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Breakdown of correlated tunneling

Researchers have experimentally investigated a Landau-Zener scenario in a system of one-dimensional quantum gases in two coupled potential tubes. They found that the collective tunneling of the many particles is drastically altered from the single-particle case, ultimately leading to a breakdown of the transfer to the opposite side.

Oct 26th, 2010

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Wachstum von Aluminiumoxid-Nanodraht erstmals beobachtet

Einem internationalen Forscherteam ist es erstmals gelungen, die Entstehung von Aluminiumoxid-Nanodraehten in atomarer Aufloesung und in Echtzeit zu beobachten. Dabei stellten die Wissenschaftler fest, dass das selbstkatalytische Wachstum der Aluminiumoxid-Draehte in einem zweistufigen Prozess erfolgt, wobei der Draht entlang seiner Laengsachse Lage fuer Lage aufgebaut wird.

Oct 26th, 2010

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Changes in energy R+D needed to combat climate change

A new assessment of future scenarios that limit the extent of global warming cautions that unless current imbalances in R+D portfolios for the development of new, efficient, and clean energy technologies are redressed, greenhouse gas emission reduction targets are unlikely to be met, or met only at considerable costs.

Oct 25th, 2010

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Bio trifft Nano - Quantenpunkte als Lichtantennen in Photosynthesesystemen

Unsere Versuche, Sonnenenergie zu nutzen, sind bisher noch sehr ineffektiv. Wahre Meister in dieser Disziplin sind dagegen photosynthetische Pflanzen, Algen und Bakterien. Die Wissenschaft versucht, diesen Organismen nachzueifern. Wissenschaftlern haben jetzt einen neuen Ansatz zur Steigerung der Lichtausbeute entwickelt.

Oct 25th, 2010

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