Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Neues DFG-Projekt erforscht Graphen

Weil Graphen ein so vielversprechender Stoff ist, hat die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft ein Schwerpunktprogramm eingerichtet. Dazu gehoert ein gerade bewilligte Vorhaben, das seine Herstellung optimieren soll.

Oct 25th, 2010

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Trapping charged particles with laser light

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics have succeeded in storing an ion in an optical trap for the first time. Their experiment opens new perspectives, for example for using controllable quantum systems in the simulation of condensed matter properties.

Oct 25th, 2010

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Fighting cancer with gold nanoparticles

Researchers at the MIRA Institute for Biomedical Technology and Technical Medicine are developing a method of detecting and treating tumours with the help of gold particles with dimensions measure in mere nanometers.

Oct 22nd, 2010

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Einladung zur Diskussionsveranstaltung: Nanotechnologie - Innovationsmotor fuer den Standort Deutschland

Die Hans-Boeckler-Stiftung laedt mit der Industriegewerkschaft Bergbau, Chemie, Energie dazu ein, die innovationspolitischen Herausforderungen der Nanotechnologie fuer den Standort Deutschland zu diskutieren. Anlass ist die Vorstellung der neuen gemeinsamen Studie 'Nanotechnologie - Innovationsmotor fuer den Standort Deutschland" der VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH und der Prognos AG.

Oct 22nd, 2010

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Caught in a nano-trap

ETH Zurich scientists have developed a comparatively simple non-contact method to hold nanoparticles at a given location in a liquid for any length of time, thus enabling them to be studied at leisure, something which had previously only been possible using elaborate methods.

Oct 22nd, 2010

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Researchers examine effects of household titanium dioxide nanoparticles on marine ecosystems

While swimmers and boaters along any shore consider the slimy green film that coats everything from rocks to docks as a nuisance, University of New Haven (UNH) chemical engineering student Nicole Reardon and Assistant Professor Shannon Ciston, Ph.D. think otherwise. They view the slime, or biofilm, as a complex community that may hold the key to informing humanity of the true environmental impact of the chemical nanoparticles that find their way from area kitchens, baths and garages into Long Island Sound.

Oct 22nd, 2010

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An engineered directional nanofilm mimics nature's curious feats

In nature, textured surfaces provide some plants the ability to trap insects and pollen, certain insects the ability to walk on water, and the gecko the ability to climb walls. Being able to mimic these features at a larger scale would spur new advances in renewable energy and medicine.

Oct 22nd, 2010

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Going nature one better

MIT researchers aim to learn biology's secrets for making tough, resilient materials out of simple components, and then improve on them.

Oct 22nd, 2010

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