Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

A forest of nanorods

Just as landscape photographs shot in low-angle light dramatically accentuate subtle swales and mounds, depositing metal vapors at glancing angles turns a rough surface into amazing nanostructures with a vast range of potential properties.

Oct 21st, 2010

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Scientists take first step toward electronically interfacing microbes with inorganic materials

Scientists with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have designed an electrical link to living cells engineered to shuttle electrons across a cell's membrane to an external acceptor along a well-defined path. This direct channel could yield cells that can read and respond to electronic signals, electronics capable of self-replication and repair, or efficiently transfer sunlight into electricity.

Oct 20th, 2010

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Wirkstoffkandidaten im Blut testen

Ein Team um den LMU-Biophysiker Professor Dieter Braun und Wissenschaftler des LMU Spin-off NanoTemper Technologies GmbH haben eine Methode entwickelt, die erstmals die Interaktionen biologischer Molekuele aller und auch sehr unterschiedlicher Groessen untersuchen laesst - selbst der bislang nur schwer zu erforschenden Small Molecules.

Oct 20th, 2010

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Artificial metalloenzymes, the chemical synthesis of the future

Researchers at CEA, Joseph Fourier University and CNRS have developed a new approach combining protein crystallography and biomimetic chemistry for observing they key steps of a process essential to life: oxygen activation. This was achieved by creating a complex artificial metalloenzyme composed of a chemical catalyst and a protein and observing it via X-ray crystallography at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF).

Oct 20th, 2010

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New equation could advance research in solar cell materials

A groundbreaking new equation developed in part by researchers at the University of Michigan could do for organic semiconductors what the Shockley ideal diode equation did for inorganic semiconductors: help to enable their wider adoption. Without the Shockley equation, the computers of today would not be possible.

Oct 20th, 2010

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Short-range scattering in quantum dots

Chinese researchers have described a new breakthrough in understanding the way electrons travel around quantum dots. This might lead to promising new fabrication methods of novel quantum devices.

Oct 20th, 2010

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Open day on nanotechnology in Brussels

In the framework of the ongoing work of the High-Level Expert Group on Key Enabling Technologies (KETs), this Open Day is organised by the Working Group on Nanotechnologies in order to consult a broad stakeholder audience on the needs and challenges of the sector, contributing to the development of appropriate policy measures to promote the industrial deployment of KETs.

Oct 20th, 2010

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Saving platinum

Monolayer of platinum atoms on a tungsten carbide support catalyzes the electrolytic production of hydrogen effectively and cheaply.

Oct 20th, 2010

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Nanomachines make sugar juice flow

Plants play an important role as producers of sugar and carbohydrates. Scientists from the University of Wuerzburg are conducting research in this area - with the long-term goal of influencing sugar levels in agricultural crop plants.

Oct 20th, 2010

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