Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Cells' 'protein factory' filmed in action

EU-funded researchers have made a film showing cells' protein factories, ribosomes, in action. The work offers an unprecedented glimpse of the workings of these essential pieces of cellular machinery and could aid the development of new drugs.

Jul 15th, 2010

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Research on multifunctional optical nanocomposite coatings wins award

R+D Magazine has named Lockheed Martin and Sandia National Laboratories' research on multifunctional optical coatings as one of the 100 greatest technologies introduced this year. The technology was developed as part of the Shared Vision cooperative program that fosters collaboration among top scientists and funds research in key technologies for both organizations.

Jul 15th, 2010

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First HighTech Europe Knowledge Auction on food packaging innovations

The first European Knowledge Auction on food packaging innovations aims at bringing together latest scientific knowledge and industrial needs. The knowledge auction is a tool to accelerate the transfer of scientific results to marketplace, thus strengthening the competitiveness of the European food economy, especially SMEs.

Jul 15th, 2010

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Scientists find unusual electrons that go with the flow

On a quest to discover new states of matter, a team of Princeton University scientists has found that electrons on the surface of specific materials act like miniature superheroes, relentlessly dodging the cliff-like obstacles of imperfect microsurfaces, sometimes moving straight through barriers.

Jul 14th, 2010

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Correcting a trick of the light brings molecules into view

Conventional wisdom holds that optical microscopy can't be used to 'see' something as small as an individual molecule. But science has once again overturned conventional wisdom. Secretary of Energy, Nobel laureate and former director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Steven Chu led the development of a technique that enables the use of optical microscopy to image objects or the distance between them with resolutions as small as 0.5 nanometers - one-half of one billionth of a meter, or an order of magnitude smaller than the previous best.

Jul 14th, 2010

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Public consultation on scientific basis for a definition of the term 'nanomaterial'

The European Commission has requested the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) to provide advice on the essential elements of a science-based working definition of "nanomaterials" and, specifically, to identify the most appropriate metrics to define materials at nanoscale, taking into account reported size ranges and other relevant characteristics and corresponding metrics, characteristics, physico-chemical properties and thresholds.

Jul 14th, 2010

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Nanobiotechnology doctoral program in Munich

The International Doctoral Program NanoBioTechnology (IDK-NBT) is a doctoral excellence program administrated by LMU's Center for NanoScience (CeNS). It offers outstanding graduates interdisciplinary research conditions and excellent education in the highly promising field of nanobiotechnology.

Jul 14th, 2010

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Moving polymers through nanopores

The movement of long chain polymers through nanopores is a key part of many biological processes, including the transport of RNA, DNA, and proteins. New research describes an improved theoretical model for this type of motion.

Jul 14th, 2010

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Rainbow trapping in light pulses

A group of scientists at Nanjing University in China have shown how a rather wide spectrum of light -- a rainbow of radiation -- can be trapped in a single structure.

Jul 14th, 2010

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