Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanotechnology could help Arab region

Nanotechnology could aid the future of development of the Arab region, says Mohamed H.A. Hassan, executive director of TWAS, the academy of sciences for the developing world, and president of the African Academy of Sciences.

Feb 20th, 2010

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Nanotechnology sparks energy storage on paper and cloth

By dipping ordinary paper or fabric in a special ink infused with nanoparticles, Stanford engineer Yi Cui has found a way to cheaply and efficiently manufacture lightweight paper batteries and supercapacitors, as well as stretchable, conductive textiles known as 'eTextiles' - capable of storing energy while retaining the mechanical properties of ordinary paper or fabric.

Feb 20th, 2010

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Fighting influenza with nanomaterials

Montana State University scientists are researching the use of nanomaterials to develop a new way of fighting influenza and other respiratory infections caused by viruses.

Feb 19th, 2010

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A new generation of electron microscopes

Heidelberg Universitys cluster of excellence Cellular Networks" will host an international symposium on 19 February 2010, which will explore a new generation of electron microscopes, particularly their development and their applications.

Feb 19th, 2010

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