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Wasserstoff aus dem Reagenzglas

Die umweltfreundliche Herstellung ausreichender Mengen Wasserstoffs beschaeftigt die Forschung seit langem. Als mikroskopisch kleine Fabrik steht dabei die Gruenalge Chlamydomonas reinhardtii im Mittelpunkt, die unter Stress Wasserstoff bilden kann. Bochumer Biologen ist es jetzt gelungen, die dafuer verantwortlichen Bestandteile der Alge zu isolieren und die Produktion ins Reagenzglas zu verlegen.

Jan 11th, 2010

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Physicists achieve quantum entanglement in solid-state circuits

For the first time, physicists have convincingly demonstrated that physically separated particles in solid-state devices can be quantum-mechanically entangled. The achievement is analogous to the quantum entanglement of light, except that it involves particles in circuitry instead of photons in optical systems.

Jan 11th, 2010

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Gedruckte Schaltungen aus Nano-Pasten

Die Ausbildung von ueberdurchschnittlich qualifizierten jungen Ingenieuren und Ingenieurinnen im Graduiertenkolleg 'Disperse Systeme fuer Elektronikanwendungen' der Uni Erlangen-Nuernberg ist bis zum Herbst 2014 gesichert. Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft uebernimmt die Foerderung ab April 2010 fuer weitere viereinhalb Jahre; die Foerdersumme betraegt 5,16 Millionen Euro.

Jan 11th, 2010

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Quantum computer calculates exact energy of molecular hydrogen

In an important first for a promising new technology, scientists have used a quantum computer to calculate the precise energy of molecular hydrogen. This groundbreaking approach to molecular simulations could have profound implications not just for quantum chemistry, but also for a range of fields from cryptography to materials science.

Jan 10th, 2010

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Resonant Tunneling Diode Simulation with NEGF

A new version of RTDNEGF (1.3.2) has been recently deployed on the nanoHUB website. RTDNEGF is a simulator for Resonant Tunneling Diodes (RTD) that implements the Non Equilibrium Green Formalism (NEGF) as its principal computational model.

Jan 10th, 2010

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Nanotechnology boosts the lifespan of medical implants

To overcome the problems associated with metallic implants, many research organizations and commercial companies have tried to develop orthopedic implants that have a bioactive surface to promote cellular adhesion and bony in-growth. Efforts have been made to create a stable fit that more closely resembles the original tissue, thus eliminating the need for additional surgery to repair the damage or gaps.

Jan 8th, 2010

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Quantum fluctuations are key in superconductors

New experiments on a recently discovered class of iron-based superconductors suggest that the ability of their electrons to conduct electricity without resistance is directly connected with the magnetic properties of those electrons.

Jan 8th, 2010

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Micro RNAs make genes shut up

Biologists at the University of Freiburg, Germany, around Lecturer Dr. Wolfgang Frank und Professor Dr. Ralf Reski from the Chair Plant Biotechnology have discovered that such micro RNAs also come into direct contact with genes, effectively turning off the genes in the process.

Jan 8th, 2010

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