Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

NIST develops test method for key micromechanical property

Engineers and researchers designing and building new microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) can benefit from a new test method developed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to measure a key mechanical property of such systems: elasticity. The new method determines the Young's modulus of thin films not only for MEMS devices but also for semiconductor devices in integrated circuits.

Jan 9th, 2008

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Tiny and tinier: EU projects minimize size of semiconductor chips

Two EU-funded projects have been pushing the limits of chip miniaturization, trying to make complementary metal-oxide semiconductor chips (CMOS) even smaller than they already are. While the NanoCMOS project, which was completed in 2006, helped develop 45 nanometer (nm) node semiconductors, its follow-up project NANOPULL is aiming at 32nm and ultimately 22nm features.

Jan 9th, 2008

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Safenano launches scientific services

The Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) based in Edinburgh has launched a range of new services to help companies minimise the environmental and health risks of working with nanomaterials.

Jan 9th, 2008

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Purging nanotechnology's innovation bottleneck

There is plenty of innovation in micro- and nanotechnologies, but bringing new devices to market is often prohibitively expensive. Many micro devices have small production volumes, while design, packaging and testing are costly. Now European researchers are breaking down the barriers by developing design methodologies that focus on manufacturing, packaging and testing.

Jan 9th, 2008

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United we compute: FermiGrid continues to yield results

The birth of FermiGrid, an initiative aiming to unite all of Fermilab's computing resources into a single grid infrastructure, changed the way that computing was done at the lab, improving efficiency and making better use of these resources along the way.

Jan 9th, 2008

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Future rests with biomedical scientists

With barriers between disciplines vanishing, there is need for biomedical scientists to familiarise themselves with subjects such as electronics, computers, and nanotechnology to take research forward.

Jan 9th, 2008

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Future soldier will generate power

The American soldier of the future will be garbed in an array of lightweight nanoscale materials that will provide ballistic protection, produce power through solar energy and integrate electronics that can monitor health and provide assistance when needed.

Jan 9th, 2008

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LSE governor discusses shaping company and skills

Globalization, rapid technological change and communications interconnectivity are changing the world's business environment at an unprecedented pace, all in the face of huge political, social and environmental uncertainty.

Jan 9th, 2008

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Molecules that matter

A university gallery in upper New York state has merged art and science in a display of 10 giant molecules that each represent a key piece of American life and society over the past century.

Jan 8th, 2008

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