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Winds blowing off a dying star

Stars like our Sun eject large amounts of gas and dust into space, containing various elements and compounds. Asymptotic giant branch -- AGB -- phase stars, near their end of life, are particularly significant sources of such substances in our galaxy.

Nov 10th, 2017

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Forest of molecular signals in star forming galaxy

Astronomers observed the galaxy NGC 253 and for the first time, they resolved the locations of star formation in this galaxy down to the scale of a molecular cloud, which is a star formation site with a size of about 30 light-years.

Nov 6th, 2017

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ALMA discovers cold dust around nearest star

The ALMA Observatory has detected dust around Proxima Centauri. The data also hint at the presence of an outer dust belt and may indicate the presence of a planetary system. These structures are similar to the belts in the solar system and are expected to be made from rock and ice.

Nov 3rd, 2017

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The inner secrets of planets and stars (w/video)

After a five-year, 1.74 billion-mile journey, NASA's Juno spacecraft entered Jupiter's orbit in July 2016, to begin its mission to collect data on the structure, atmosphere, and magnetic and gravitational fields of the mysterious planet.

Nov 1st, 2017

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Revealing galactic secrets

Captured using the exceptional sky-surveying abilities of the VLT Survey Telescope (VST) at ESO's Paranal Observatory in Chile, this deep view reveals the secrets of the luminous members of the Fornax Cluster, one of the richest and closest galaxy clusters to the Milky Way.

Oct 25th, 2017

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