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Nearly extreme black holes which attempt to 'regrow hair' become bald again

Black holes 'have no hair': no attributes that can be used to tell them apart. Extreme black holes can have an additional property, permanent hair that is made of a massless scalar field. Nearly extreme black holes have hair that is a transient phenomenon: nearly extreme black holes that attempt to regrow hair will lose it and become bald again.

Nov 15th, 2019

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Astronomers observe a 'sunburst' from the early universe - in 12 copies

With the powerful eyes of the Hubble Space Telescope, an international team of astronomers observed straight into the bright and hot heart of a galaxy 11 billion years old in no less than 12 multiple, gravitationally lensed images. The finding casts light onto a crucial era in our universe?s history: the epoch of reionization.

Nov 8th, 2019

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Galactic fountains and carousels: order emerging from chaos

Astronomers have unveiled the results of a newly-completed, state of the art simulation of the evolution of galaxies. It allows researchers to study in detail how galaxies form, and how they have evolved since shortly after the Big Bang. For the first time, it reveals that the geometry of the cosmic gas flows around galaxies determines galaxies? structures, and vice versa.

Nov 7th, 2019

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Worldwide observations confirm nearby 'lensing' exoplanet

Astronomers using telescopes around the world confirmed and characterized an exoplanet orbiting a nearby star through a rare phenomenon known as gravitational microlensing. The exoplanet has a mass similar to Neptune, but it orbits a star lighter (cooler) than the Sun at an orbital radius similar to Earth's orbital radius.

Nov 1st, 2019

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The science of exoplanets is poised for major breakthroughs

TESS, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, is NASA's newest exoplanet mission. TESS will find thousands of new planets orbiting nearby stars. During its two year survey, TESS will watch a wide variety of stars, looking for signs of planets ranging from Earth-size to larger than Jupiter.

Oct 31st, 2019

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