Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Sneaking spies into a cell's nucleus

Duke University bioengineers have not only figured out a way to sneak molecular spies through the walls of individual cells, they can now slip them into the command center - or nucleus - of those cells, where they can report back important information or drop off payloads.

Sep 28th, 2010

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NanoCode project published synthesis report on responsible development of nanotechnology

The NanoCode Project has recently published a Synthesis Report that provides a broad overview of current codes of conduct, voluntary measures and practices aimed toward promoting responsible development of nanoscience and nanotechnologies, and which compares these with the provisions of the Code of Conduct for nanotechnology research as proposed by the European Commission. The report includes information drawn from individual country reports prepared by each of the NanoCode partners that covered the situation in their own country.

Sep 28th, 2010

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Europa forscht an Halbleiterscheiben mit 450 mm Durchmesser

27 europaeische Unternehmen und institutionelle Forschungseinrichtungen aus den Branchen Halbleiterindustrie, Geraete- und Materialhersteller haben sich zum Verbundprojekt EEMI450 (European Equipment and Materials Initiative for 450 mm) zusammengeschlossen, mit dem Ziel, 450 mm-Technologie und Know-how fuer den Standort Europa zu sichern.

Sep 28th, 2010

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Making music on a microscopic scale

Strings a fraction of the thickness of a human hair, with microscopic weights to pluck them: researchers and students from the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology of the University of Twente in The Netherlands have succeeded in constructing the first musical instrument with dimensions measured in mere micrometres - a 'micronium' - that produces audible tones.

Sep 28th, 2010

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Semiconductor could turn heat into computing power

Computers might one day recycle part of their own waste heat, using a material being studied by researchers at Ohio State University. The material is a semiconductor called gallium manganese arsenide. The researchers describe the detection of an effect that converts heat into a quantum mechanical phenomenon - known as spin - in a semiconductor.

Sep 27th, 2010

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Solar cells thinner than wavelengths of light hold huge power potential

Ultra-thin solar cells can absorb sunlight more efficiently than the thicker, more expensive-to-make silicon cells used today, because light behaves differently at scales around a nanometer (a billionth of a meter), say Stanford engineers. They calculate that by properly configuring the thicknesses of several thin layers of films, an organic polymer thin film could absorb as much as 10 times more energy from sunlight than was thought possible.

Sep 27th, 2010

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