Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Colossal magnetoelectricity points the way to ultra-dense data storage

A team of scientists at Rutgers University has found a material in which an electric field can control the overall magnetic properties of the material. If the magnetoelectric effect discovered by the Rutgers group can be extended to higher temperatures, it could be useful for manipulating small-scale magnetic bits in ultra high-density data storage.

Aug 23rd, 2010

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Breakthrough discovery enables nanoscale manipulation of the piezoelectric effect

The generation of an electric field by the compression and expansion of solid materials is known as the piezoelectric effect, and it has a wide range of applications ranging from everyday items such as watches, motion sensors and precise positioning systems. Researchers have now discovered how to control this effect in nanoscale semiconductors called quantum dots, enabling the development of incredibly tiny new products.

Aug 23rd, 2010

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Laserlicht aus polymeren Mikrokelchen

In einem interdisziplinaeren Projekt ist es Wissenschaftlern des KIT gelungen, eine neue Erscheinungsform von optischen Resonatoren zu schaffen: Mikrokelche. Diese Polymerstrukturen sind durch ihre Form und ihre glatte Oberflaeche besonders effiziente Quellen fuer Laserlicht. Zudem haben sie das Potenzial kleinste Bio-Molekuele, Viren oder Gefahrstoffe nachzuweisen.

Aug 23rd, 2010

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Road signs and traffic signals on DNA

The DNA genomes of organisms whose cells possess nuclei are packaged in a highly characteristic fashion. Most of the DNA is tightly wrapped around protein particles called nucleosomes, which are connected to each other by flexible DNA segments, like pearls on a necklace. This arrangement plays a major role in deciding which genes are actively expressed, and thus which proteins can be synthesized in a given cell. Researchers have recently developed a model which explains the distribution of nucleosomes around the functionally crucial transcription start sites.

Aug 23rd, 2010

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Schichten bauen mit dem Atombaukasten

Experten der Molekularstrahlexpitaxie sind die Legobauer unter den Halbleiterphysikern. Sie koennen Atomschichten so gleichmaessig zusammenbauen, als waeren es die beruehmten Plastikbausteine.

Aug 20th, 2010

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