Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Plastics and nanoparticles - the perfect combination

These days, plastic components are vital to many fields of industry - lightweight construction, automobile manufacturing and electrical engineering, to name but a few. Now researchers have found ingenious ways to combine plastics with nanoparticles and endow them with new properties.

Oct 1st, 2010

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When old is new again

A fundamental effect associated with electrons also occurs in non-charged particles - a potential boon for spintronics.

Oct 1st, 2010

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Mount Sinai leads program of excellence in nanotechnology with $16.5 million grant

Mount Sinai School of Medicine received a contract for almost $16.5 million from The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Heart and Lung Institute (NHLBI) through the Program of Excellence in Nanotechnology (PEN). The contract is one of four issued nationally to develop multidisciplinary research Centers with the goal of developing nanotechnology tools for diagnosing and treating heart, lung and blood diseases.

Sep 29th, 2010

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