Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Scientists warn geo-engineering unlikely to curb dramatic sea rise

Researchers from Europe and China warn that little can be done to stop dangerous increases in the global sea level, as it will rise between 30 to 70 centimetres (cm) by 2100 even if all but the most aggressive geo-engineering schemes are undertaken to mitigate the effects of global warming and stringently control greenhouse gas emissions.

Sep 14th, 2010

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New artificial skin could make prosthetic limbs and robots more sensitive

The light, tickling tread of a pesky fly landing on your face may strike most of us as one of the most aggravating of life's small annoyances. But for scientists working to develop pressure sensors for artificial skin for use on prosthetic limbs or robots, skin sensitive enough to feel the tickle of fly feet would be a huge advance. Now Stanford researchers have built such a sensor.

Sep 13th, 2010

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Silicon Valley exhibition immerses visitors in the exciting world of nanotechnology, digital art and mapping

The Tech Museum today raised the curtain on its most ambitious exhibition, The Tech Silicon Valley Innovation Gallery, revealing cutting-edge technology developed by the world's foremost experts on computing, digital design, communication and collaboration. The nearly 3,000-square-foot gallery captures the spirit of Silicon Valley ingenuity, examining the core of innovation -- the microchip -- and immersing visitors in the exciting world of nanotechnology, digital art and mapping.

Sep 13th, 2010

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EU-US cooperation on space micro- and nanotechnologies

CANEUS International will be holding CANEUS 2010 Workshops as part of the International Week on Micro and Nano Technologies (MNT) for Space 2010. The event is being held at the ESTEC-ESA Centre in The Netherlands the 13-17 September 2010.

Sep 13th, 2010

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