Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanobio chip checks for oral cancer

The gentle touch of a lesion on the tongue or cheek with a brush can help detect oral cancer with success rates comparable to more invasive techniques, according to preliminary studies by researchers at Rice University, the University of Texas Health Science Centers at Houston and San Antonio and the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.

Apr 5th, 2010

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Berkeley researchers light up white OLEDs

Using polymer nanoparticles to house light-emitting 'inks', scientists at the Molecular Foundry, a U.S. Department of Energy nanoscience center located at Berkeley Lab, and the University of California, Berkeley, have made a thin film OLED using iridium-based guest molecules to emit various colors of visible light.

Apr 5th, 2010

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EPA invites small business nanotechnology research proposals in the areas of pollution prevention, monitoring and control

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites small business firms to submit research proposals under this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Solicitation. EPA is interested in advanced technologies that address priority environmental issues. The following topics are included in this solicitation: Green Building, Innovation in Manufacturing, Nanotechnology, Greenhouse Gases, Drinking Water Monitoring and Treatment, Wastewater and Sustainable Infrastructure, Air Pollution Monitoring and Control, Biofuels, Waste Management and Monitoring, and Homeland Security.

Apr 5th, 2010

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How are droplets displaced by ultrasounds?

Understanding the physical mechanisms that enable a droplet to be displaced by propagating an acoustic wave along the substrate on which it lies is the hurdle that has been overcome by researchers from CNRS IN FRANCE.

Apr 3rd, 2010

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Shining light on graphene-metal interactions

By controlling the layered growth of graphene - a relatively new form of carbon that's just a single atom thick - researchers at Brookhaven National Laboratory have uncovered intriguing details about the material's superior electrical and optical properties.

Apr 2nd, 2010

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Exploring the frictional characteristics of atomically thin sheets

A team of nanotechnology researchers from the University of Pennsylvania and Columbia University has used friction force microscopy to determine the nanoscale frictional characteristics of four atomically-thin materials, discovering a universal characteristic for these very different materials.

Apr 1st, 2010

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