Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Atomic-scale tug-of-war - how to pull a chain of atoms apart

How hard do you have to pull on a single atom of - let's say - gold to detach it from the end of a chain of like atoms? It's a measure of the astonishing progress in nanotechnology that questions that once would have interested only physicists or chemists are now being asked by engineers.

Mar 31st, 2010

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From a classical laser to a 'quantum laser'

Rainer Blatt's and Piet Schmidt's research team from the University of Innsbruck have successfully realized a single-atom laser, which shows the properties of a classical laser as well as quantum mechanical properties of the atom-photon interaction.

Mar 31st, 2010

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Materials: Twin tricks

'Nanotwinned' metals display both ultrahigh strength and ductility by forcing crystal dislocations to behave in strange ways.

Mar 31st, 2010

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New path to solar energy via solid-state photovoltaics

Researchers with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have found a new mechanism by which the photovoltaic effect can take place in semiconductor thin-films. This new route to energy production overcomes the bandgap voltage limitation that continues to plague conventional solid-state solar cells.

Mar 30th, 2010

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