Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Ability to manipulate a single electron marks a leap in quantum computing

A major hurdle in the ambitious quest to design and construct a radically new kind of quantum computer has been finding a way to manipulate the single electrons that very likely will constitute the new machines' processing components or qubits. Princeton University's Jason Petta has discovered how to do just that.

Feb 5th, 2010

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Physicist measure energy released from a virus during infection

For the first time, Carnegie Mellon University physicist Alex Evilevitch has directly measured the energy associated with the expulsion of viral DNA, a pivotal discovery toward fully understanding the physical mechanisms that control viral infection and designing drugs to interfere with the process.

Feb 5th, 2010

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IBM demonstrates world's fastest graphene transistor

In a just-published paper in the magazine Science, IBM researchers demonstrated a radio-frequency graphene transistor with the highest cut-off frequency achieved so far for any graphene device - 100 billion cycles/second (100 GigaHertz).

Feb 5th, 2010

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Electronics for a third-generation artificial retina

Scientists and engineers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory are now developing the electronics for a third-generation artificial retina as part of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) project to produce an 'epiretinal prosthesis' that could restore vision to millions of people around the world suffering from eye diseases.

Feb 5th, 2010

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