Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

MicroRNA: Keeping death in check

Recent research has illuminated a surprisingly important role for tiny RNA molecules, known as microRNAs, in downregulating the production of a variety of proteins and researchers have now teased out the role of microRNAs in managing p53 levels

Jan 20th, 2010

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A roundabout method of reading data can improve quantum memory

Researchers who hope to create quantum computers are currently investigating various methods to store data. Nitrogen atoms embedded in diamond show promise for encoding quantum bits (qubits), but the process of reading the information results in an extremely weak signal. Now physicists have demonstrated a roundabout approach for generating a significantly stronger signal from these sorts of qubits.

Jan 19th, 2010

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European collaboration makes breakthrough in developing graphene

A collaborative research project has brought the world a step closer to producing a new material on which future nanotechnology could be based. Researchers across Europe, including the UK's National Physical Laboratory (NPL), have demonstrated how an incredible material, graphene, could hold the key to the future of high-speed electronics, such as micro-chips and touchscreen technology.

Jan 19th, 2010

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Polieren von Waferscheiben im Nanometer Bereich

Eine kritische Prozesstechnologie bei der Chipherstellung ist das Chemisch-Mechanische Polieren, bei dem Strukturunebenheiten im Bereich von Nanometern auf den Siliziumscheiben zwischen verschiedenen Produktionsschritten immer wieder eingeebnet werden.

Jan 19th, 2010

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Open access drug discovery database launches with half a million compounds

ChEMBLdb, a vast online database of information on the properties and activities of drugs and drug-like small molecules and their targets, launches today with information on over half a million compounds. The data lie at the heart of translating information from the human genome into successful new drugs in the clinic.

Jan 18th, 2010

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