Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Shining a light on gene regulation

This promising method involves coating nanoparticles with gene-regulatory agents and then exposing them to a dose of laser light to unleash that material.

Jun 26th, 2018

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Electron paramagnetic resonance in modern carbon-based nanomaterials

Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in Modern Carbon-Based Nanomaterials, is a new book which attempts to fill the abovementioned void by compiling key contributions for researchers interested in the electron paramagnetic resonance study of the carbon-containing thin films, nanomaterials, ceramics, porous materials, etc.

Jun 26th, 2018

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'Stealth' material hides hot objects from infrared eyes

Infrared cameras are the heat-sensing eyes that help drones find their targets even in the dead of night or through heavy fog. Hiding from such detectors could become much easier, thanks to a new cloaking material that renders objects -- and people -- practically invisible.

Jun 22nd, 2018

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