Posted: June 26, 2007

The nanotechnology revolution in architecture

(Nanowerk News) An article in Architect Online states that nanotechnology is set to transform the way we build.
To better understand nanotechnology's potential for architecture, students in the nanoSTUDIO at Ball State University (in collaboration with the Illinois Institute of Technology) are designing buildings using nanomaterials that we can expect to see on the market within the next 20 years. These include carbon nanotube structural panels, quantum-dot lighting, and nanosensors, which together will yield stronger, smarter, and more environmentally sensitive buildings.
"In the student projects, nanotube structural panels create transparent load-bearing curtain walls free of columns and beams, quantum dots make walls and ceilings light up or change color with the flip of a switch, and nanosensors in building components create smart environments that constantly adapt to their environment and users. But these are not just “house of the future” fantasies: Students also address the social and environmental concerns raised by nanotechnology, from toxicity (nanoparticles are so tiny, they can pass through cell membranes) to privacy (who controls the data gathered by embedded nanosensors?)."
Source: Architect Online