Free report: European nanotechnology landscape

(Nanowerk News) Bax & Willems, a specialized consultancy firm, has just release a free-to-download European Nanotechnology Landscape Report (pdf) that offers an overview of the nanotechnology landscape in Europe targeted at policy makers on all levels (local, regional, national and European).
It furthermore examines how nanotechnology developments, and the solutions they enable, can help address some of the Grand Challenges that Europe is facing today such as:
  • An ageing population
  • New energy economy
  • Sustainable food & environment
  • Intelligent, safe & connected world
  • Improved resource efficiency of industrial production
  • Even though nanotechnology offers some unique characteristics that can be exploited into many functionalities, one cannot state that nanoenabled developments are necessarily the best science or technology to address each particular problem. This publication refrains from taking a position on this issue; it merely identifies nanotechnologies and their potential contribution to solve some of societies' most challenging problems.
    While considering nanotechnology as a solution, many aspects must be taken into account; societal and environmental impacts, and ethical and health risk analysis are required for an intelligent matching of societal demands and nanotechnological capabilities.
    Many of the nanotechnology applications identified in this report are not 100% mature or proven at the time of publication. As a result, for those nano-enabled solutions that are foreseen for the future, no guarantees can be given that they will become reality in the expected timeframe. Factors such as the urgency of the global challenge, the likelihood of achieving the nano-enabled solution, and the time-line for its likely achievement are all adding uncertainty to the future outlook and must be taken into account.
    The European Nanotechnology Landscape Report also builds upon policy-supporting primary data collected by the ObservatoryNano consortium. European nanotechnology companies' patent, publication and funding data is analyzed to provide a clearer picture of the European landscape.
    More than 100 European companies involved in nanotechnology have also been surveyed to examine what factors are of major concern to them, and how they perceive policy instruments influence their performance in a global business world. Given the total number of nanotechnology companies in Europe, the 100 respondents offer a statistically significant reflection of businesses opinions and realities; even so one should not consider the census results as absolute truths but rather as strong indications of perceptions of informed and highly involved individuals.
    Source: Bax & Willems