Workplace guidance: Working safely with nanomaterials and nanoproducts

(Nanowerk News) Risk & Policy Analysts Ltd with IVAM UvA BV, have been commissioned by the European Commission to assess the potential socio economic, health and, if relevant, environmental impacts for the EU and EEA arising from the use of engineered nanomaterials and nanotechnology in the workplace. This study includes an assessment of the current legislative framework, the development of scenarios to help inform policy options and the preparation of practical guidance on safe working with engineered nanomaterials and nanotechnology at the workplace.
The study has three objectives defined by the European Commission:
1) To provide the European Commission with information on the suitability, or otherwise, of the current EU legal framework for Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) to address the potential or identified hazards and risks posed by engineered Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology that workers are likely to come into contact with in their daily professional activities.
2) To develop a range of scenarios, and identify the pros and cons of each with the ultimate objective of providing a sufficiently robust information base on which the Commission may ensure that workers are effectively protected from risks to their health and safety arising from exposure to nanomaterials at the workplace.
3) To provide practical workplace-focused guidance to help employers and workers minimise any risks associated with the use of nanomaterials. A draft of this guidance is now available and we welcome your comments and suggestions for improvement.
The study will be carried out in a transparent way taking into consideration information provided by identified stakeholders from academia, workers’ and employers organisations, NGOs and governmental authorities. External input from these groups is essential to the success of this study.
If you would like to contribute to this study or find out more please contact:

Nigel Tuffnell, Senior Consultant

Risk & Policy Analysts Ltd.

Farthing Green House

1 Beccles Road, Loddon

Norfolk, NR14 6LT


Tel: (+44) 1508 528465

Fax: (+44) 1508 520758

[email protected]

Key Dates

Start-up Meeting: February 2012

Formal Consultation Starts: May 2012

Formal Consultation Ends: End September 2012

Workshop: November 2012

Completion Date: Mid March 2013

In November 2012, RPA will be holding a workshop to bring together a small focussed group of experts in occupational health, applied risk assessment and OSH practice, plus academics and workers and industry representatives to discuss the study findings, recommendations and guidance relating to the adequate control of nanomaterials at the workplace. Attendance is by invitation only.
Source: Risk & Policy Analysts