Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

A proposed flow battery for grid-scale storage gets $1.6 million from ARPA-E

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, known for having one of the top research programs in the country for batteries and fuel cells for vehicle applications, has decided to enter another area in the battery world. It has been granted $1.6 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds to develop a novel storage device for the electric grid.

Jul 29th, 2010

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Groundbreaking photonics research from Intel demonstrated at IPR

The Optical Society (OSA) is pleased to recognize the groundbreaking research presented yesterday at its topical meeting, Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nano Photonics (IPR), by Intel Corporation. IPR is currently being held at the Monterey Plaza Hotel in Monterey, Calif., USA through today.

Jul 29th, 2010

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