Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Novel magnet design with magic mirror-like properties

Researchers have developed new magnetic design that has magic mirror-like properties. Based on organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite type compounds, the brightness of transmitted light changes depending on whether the material is viewed from the front or the back.

Jun 11th, 2021

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New family of atomic-thin electride materials discovered

An exploratory investigation into the behavior of materials with desirable electric properties resulted in the discovery of a structural phase of two-dimensional (2D) materials. The new family of materials are electrides, wherein electrons occupy a space usually reserved for atoms or ions instead of orbiting the nucleus of an atom or ion.

Jun 11th, 2021

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Monolayer superconductor exhibits unusual behavior

Researchers have discovered a rare 'pseudogap' phenomenon that helps explain how the superconducting transition temperature can be greatly boosted in a single monolayer of iron selenide, and how it might be applied to other superconducting materials.

Jun 10th, 2021

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Researchers turn transparent calcite into artificial gold

Breakthrough in metamaterials: for the first time in the world, researchers developed an innovative nanotechnology that transforms a transparent calcite nanoparticle into a sparkling gold-like particle. In other words, they turned the transparent particle into a particle that is visible despite its very small dimensions.

Jun 10th, 2021

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