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Showing Spotlights 257 - 262 of 262 in category All (newest first):


A nanocapacitor with giant dielectric permittivity

The area of nanodielectrics is relatively unexplored but research shows that nanocapacitors could find important applications for instance in energy storage and ultrasensitive transducers in nanoelectronic circuits.

Apr 14th, 2006

Electrochemical probes with nanometer dimensions

Researchers in Finland and The Netherlands demonstrated that it is possible to grow and wire a single platinum nanoparticle using a single-walled carbon nanotube, thus providing a bottom-up approach to building nanoelectrodes.

Apr 5th, 2006

A new process allows growing carbon nanotubes directly onto MEMS

Researchers in Switzerland have successfully integrated carbon nanotubes (CNTs) directly into a polysilicon chip. This technique is opening the way towards NEMS and CNT based system integration and the synthesis and evaluation of mechanical nano-scale transducers based on CNTs.

Mar 17th, 2006

Large-scale fabrication of integrated nanoelectronic devices moves closer

A new methodology for integrating nanowires with micropatterned substrates using directed assembly and nanoscale soldering was developed by researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. This overcomes the difficulty in making electrical contacts to nanoparticles, which so far has been a major limitation to fabricating integrated nanoelectronic devices containing large numbers of nanoparticles.

Mar 14th, 2006